So Money - Episode Bonus

So Money® Enters Licensing Deal with CNET

Farnoosh Torabi

This week, for the first time in 12 years, I filled out a W-2 and gained access to a 401(k) – with a match!


You know what that means.

I’m going to work…for a company!

It’s a partnership that’s been in the works for several months and I’ve been desperate to tell you about it.

But alas, great things take time.

And this was no exception.

More on the *why* behind my career shift down below…

But first, here’s the short of the big announcement:

I’m licensing my podcast So Money® to CNET, the world’s biggest platform dedicated to tech and consumer news and advice.

As part of our partnership, I’ll also be joining CNET”s team full-time as Editor-at-Large of Personal Finance. 

I’ll work closely with CNET‘s award-winning team of multimedia journalists to bring timely and relevant financial advice across articles, videos, social and more. You’ll probably see me a lot more on TV, too.

Now, I imagine you might have a few questions (or 300?)

To that end, I’ll be doing a LIVE Instagram today over @CNET at 12pm ET where you can hear me share more about the partnership and ask me anything. Would love to see you there.

Ahead of that, here are a few FAQ that I’ve been getting from close friends and family.

Q: Hold up. You’re leaving the euphoria of self-employment?  

A: Yes. Well, sort of.

I will work full-time for CNET (and its parent company Red Ventures), and continue to own and operate my company in some capacities, including the podcast (which they will license), books (here’s news of my recent deal) and some other side projects.

It’s the best of both worlds.

Q: What made you want to take this step?

A: Ever get the sense that you’re ready for something different? Right now 40% of Americans are considering changing jobs. Some will shift career paths entirely. The pandemic led us here.

And for me, the last 18 months prompted much reflection.  While I wasn’t interested in resigning from my work, I was thinking about how to change things up a bit, make a bigger impact and support So Money®,  my baby show, which had become the epicenter of my brand.

How to grow the show even further without hiring more people or – heaven forbid – show up on TikTok?

So, when CNET and Red Ventures came to me with the generous offer of licensing my show and bringing me on board to help them amplify their personal finance content, I leaned in and listened.

Q: How will things be different? 

A: For now, So Money® will continue to deliver episodes 3x per week. Make sure to subscribe if you aren’t already to be among the first to learn of news and updates.

In the coming weeks and months, you’ll see a lot of my work appear on and all of its channels, as well as some of the other media properties run by Red Ventures such as BankrateNextAdvisor and ThePointsGuy.

I’ll still be and do me – but in more places! (And yes, there is talk of doing some TikToks …GULP.)

Q: I love CNET. But aren’t they more focused on tech…not money?  

A: It is true that for 30+ years, CNET has been the trusted destination for news, reviews and analysis on all-things tech. The site welcomes an average 110 million visitors each month.

Now they’re growing in new ways – and fast. Last tax season, CNET expanded into personal finance in a world – and time – where technology and finances intersect so often. And readers couldn’t get enough.

There are big plans in the works to build out the personal finance category at CNET and I’m excited to work on these initiatives from the ground up.

I could go on – but I will leave the rest for our LIVE Instagram @CNET at 12pm ET.

More to come

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