So Money - Episode 456

Sheri Atwood

Founder and CEO of SupportPay

Money can be a leading cause of divorce and even after you split, it can continue to be a major source of arguments, especially with children involved.

Sheri Atwood knows all about this and has started a company to help divorced parents amicable settle child care payments. She is the founder and CEO of SupportPay,  the first-ever automated child support payment platform that’s transforming the complex, time-consuming and stressful process that many families currently face. Believe it or not this problem impacts 300 million parents exchanging more than $900 billion in child support and child expenses worldwide.

Sheri, herself, was a child of a bitter divorce who also went through her own break-up several years ago. Now a single mom, she began searching for a better way to exchange and communicate about child support payments with her ex-husband. In 2013 she created SupportPay and today the site boasts some 40,000 members.

If you’d like to learn more about SupportPay and Sheri visit the website or follow her on Twitter @SheriAtwood or @SupportPayApp.

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