EP. 207

Shannon McLay

Founder of The Financial Gym & Financially Blonde Blogger

August 6, 2015

Today’s guest has a really interesting story and is a woman after my own heart, helping young professionals navigate debt while teaching financial independence and what it means to be “financially fit.” Shannon McLay is a financial planner who left a stable job at a traditional financial services firm to start her own company, The Financial Gym. She felt that all traditional financial services firms did not offer the proper tools or resources to help young people in their 20s and 30s who are looking to build assets while also managing debt. Shannon believes that the key to long-term personal financial success is commitment to financial fitness and making smart financial choices. Well, amen to that! Through her company, Financially Blonde blog, her first book, “Train Your Way To Financial Fitness” and podcast, Martinis and Your Money, Shannon is covering all platforms so that financial fitness can be fun, easy and accessible to everyone! You can tune into her podcast every Friday to hear more from her.

Three takeaways from our interview today include:

  • The risks she took to leaver her job at Merrill Lynch and start her own company.
  • How she’s going about raising capital to grow her financial planning business. As she says she’d like to someday like to do for the financial planning world what H&R Block has done for accounting services.
  • How to win a free SIGNED copy of Shannon’s book “Train Your Way to Financial Fitness.” Shannon is giving away 5!

If you’d like to learn more about Shannon McLay, visit her blog www.financially-blonde.com or her website www.shannonmclay.com and follow her on Twitter @TheShannonMcLay.

One of my favorite quotes from the interview: “When you have specific goals, you have more financial success.” – Click to Tweet


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