EP. 251

Selena Soo

Founder of S2 Groupe

September 21, 2015

Today’s guest is someone I’ve proudly worked with to help me steer my previous book launch and elevate my business. And I think what she does to help clients is simply outstanding and one of a kind. I am a little biased, but I’m very, very serious here. Teaming up with her has been hands down one of the best investments I’ve ever made in growing my brand. I want to welcome today, to the show, Selena Soo.

Now after working in the non-profit world making around $42,000 a year, in New York City, which is hard in this city believe it or not. The most expensive city in the world! Selena decided in 2012 to go to business school and change gears, just go into a whole new career. And at first she was interested in PR, but realized that it just didn’t give her the opportunity to do her favorite thing, which is to connect with people genuinely, without an agenda. So she decided to explore the idea of becoming a publicity and business coach, a service that she herself had paid for many times.

Fast forward to today, she is a highly sought after business and publicity coach for visionary entrepreneurs, experts, and authors. And through her company, S2 Groupe, she helps her clients increase their visibility, build powerful relationships, and develop solid business strategies so they can reach the masses with their message. Selena writes for Forbes, Huffington Post, and Positively Positive.

Takeaways from our time together:

  • She offers a free 31 page report where she shares how she went from zero to $157,000 in her first year as a coach. And in the report, and throughout our conversation now, she discusses how she figured out what to charge when she was just getting started and how she overcame fears of selling.
  • How she got people to see her as a rising leader in her industry, even when she had no clients and no email list, and developing win-win relationships with media, influencers, and online stars.
  • How her business is exploding, bringing in that $157,000 in the first year back in 2013, doubling that in the second, and is now on track to double again this year, on to making seven figures for sure in the not too distant future.

If you would like to learn more about Selena Soo, visit her website www.s2-groupe.com or follow her on Twitter @selenasoo.  If you’d like to take a sneak peak at how Selena went from making $0 to six figures and started her business check out www.s2-groupe.com/freereport.

One of my favorite quotes from the interview: “I feel like the more that I give to others, the more I’ll end up bringing into my own life.” – Click to Tweet


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