So Money - Episode 465

Sarah Kaler

Women's Leadership + Business Coach

Today’s guest is an executive leadership coach and business mentor. Sarah Kaler is joining us. For over 17 years she’s worked with business leaders across various industries. In particular, she works with female CEO’s who are building high-growth companies, international brands and Fortune 100 and 500 companies like Facebook, Lululemon Athletica, Intel, Cisco and many others. She’s been featured in Huffington Post, Entrepreneur, Fox News and countless other major news outlets.

Sarah dedicates her business now to helping primarily female entrepreneurs drive their business with PURPOSE. Not just passion. PURPOSE. What does that mean? Plus, how to know when what you’re earning is ENOUGH? And we talk about the importance of setting clear boundaries for yourself and business. You can’t – and shouldn’t – say yes to everything.

If you’d like to learn more about Sarah Kaler, visit her website or follow her on Twitter @besoulpowered.

One of my favorite quotes from the interview: “Success is really about legacy, not just material assets or money.” – Click To Tweet

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