So Money - Episode 505

Sarah Jones

Founder of Introverted Alpha

Do you consider yourself introverted? Is or was dating somewhat of a challenge for you? Sarah is helping introverted men in particular find lasting love. She’s the second entrepreneur that I had the fortune of interviewing at Ramit Sethi’s Forefront event earlier this fall.

Her company is called Introverted Alpha. It’s a boutique online company that helps smart introverted men attract women naturally, just by being themselves. No more being put in the friend zone. Instead, you can learn how to be invited into the boyfriend zone, as she puts it. I have an interesting talk with Sara because we want to learn all about Introverted Alpha. How does it works? Plus, her insights into the current dating landscape… should you Tinder? Should you go to a bar? How do you meet people authentically?

Also, Sarah’s southern upbringing gave us a lot of fodder with regards to her financial take on life. How she’s actually reversing some of those old-fashioned money lessons that she was brought up with, and adding a new dimension to her family’s financial legacy. It’s really an interesting story. I think she put the pieces together while we were talking during the interview. I feel like maybe we had a therapy session or something. It’s kind of awesome when that happens, right? On the show, you never know what you’re going to get.

If you’d like to learn more about Sarah visit or follow her on Twitter @IntrovertdAlpha.

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