So Money - Episode 801

Sarah Jenks

Founder of Whole Woman

If you’ve ever struggled with your weight … you may have thought to yourself, “My life would be better if I was just thinner.” Or, “Life is just 20lbs away.”

Today, I’m interviewing Sarah Jenks, She is an entrepreneur, Nutrition and Life coach, and the founder of Whole Woman, a monthly online membership for women seeking the answers to “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?” She’s also the creator behind Live More Weigh Less™, the most popular online emotional eating program.

After struggling with her own body issues her entire life, she decided to create a program to help other women overcome those same challenges. Sarah’s community is made up of over 100,000 women.

  • The similar triggers for overeating and overspending.
  • Sarah lives on a 23 acre farm. How the decision to move here after living an urban life was a bit of fate.
  • The triumphs and challenges of being the female breadwinner in her marriage.

To learn more about Sarah Jenks, please visit Her newest program is available now: She’s also on Instagram @SarahJenks and Twitter @SarahEJenks.

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