So Money - Episode 915

Sara Dean

Creator, Shameless Mom Academy Podcast

Are you a shameless mom? Our guest wants you to be. She believes that moms need to be a little more selfish with their time, prioritize themselves, and be shameless in their pursuit to live bigger, bolder, and braver, #everydamnday.

Sara Dean is the creator and host of the Shameless Mom Academy Podcast, a top-rated podcast with nearly 2 million downloads.  She is also an entrepreneur to her core – having built and grown multiple businesses to multiple six figures. She is also among a small percentage of women who have sold a business in the US.  Sara’s biggest passion is helping women own their space.

When Sara Dean became a mom, she expected life to be rainbows and unicorns every day. She had gone through two years and nine rounds of fertility treatments to have her son. But soon after her son was born, she had an identity crisis. Eventually, she was able to use her background in psychology, health, and wellness to rebuild her identity one step at a time. Now, she helps other mom’s do the same through her podcast.

Learn more about Shameless Mom on Sara’s website: and on her podcast, Shameless Mom.

And find her on social media in her free Shameless Mom Facebook group and follow her on Instagram

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