So Money - Episode 828

Sara Bliss

Author, Take the Leap

Is this the year you’re going to go for it? It’s New Year’s eve and you might be on the precipice of a big change in 2019, but only if you really want it. Today’s guest is Sara Bliss. She is a New York Time’s bestselling author of 11 books. Today, she’s here to talk about her most recent, which is called Take the Leap: Change Your Career, Change Your Life. It profiles over 60 people who radically changed their careers. If this is the year you want to try something completely different, make a shift, this interview is for you.

Sara believes you’re never quite stuck. You might feel that way, but it’s just a feeling. It’s not the reality. In her book, she showcases how 60 successful people transitioned to show readers that the life you want isn’t as unrealistic as you think.

Now she profiles some pretty high-profile people from Bobbi Brown, the makeup guru, to Barbara Corcoran and Barneys’ creative ambassador Simon Doonan, NFL athletes. Just want to say, don’t be intimidated by the list of names in her book. Sara says she wants people to know that anyone can make a change, even if they’re terrified of the process, even if they don’t know how to get started. If you’re in need of some career inspiration today, well I hope this episode will help.

To learn more about Sara Bliss, please visit You can also follow her on Instagram @SaraBlissNYC and on Twitter @SaraBlissNYC.

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