So Money - Episode 240

Rob Kosberg

Marketing and Brand-Building Expert

If you’re looking to write a book and have it be successful, to help you build your brand and business, then you’ll love hearing from today’s guest! Rob Kosberg is joining me and he is a marketing and brand-building expert who specializes in helping his clients become “go to” experts in their respective fields.  He’s also a best-selling author having wrote Life After Debt: Practical Solutions To Get Out of Debt, Build Wealth, And Radically Transform Your Finances Forever! His book address strategies and the mindset needed to overcome debt and live a debt-free lifestyle. The book has since translated into a podcast also called Life After Debt.

Three takeaways from our interview:

  • How to write a best selling book, exactly.
  • The mistake that cost him well over $1 million.
  • His morning routine that helps him manage his money wisely.

If you would like to learn more about Rob Kosberg, visit his website or follow him on Twitter @robkosberg.

One of my favorite quotes from our interview: “I’m a risk taker, that’s just who I am by nature.” – Click to Tweet

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