So Money - Episode 178

Richard Davies

Co-Host of How Do We Fix It?

Richard Davies is a friend and a colleague in the news biz.  Davies is a journalist who has covered many of the most important events of the past few decades including the fall of the Berlin wall, the 911 attacks, and he even traveled with President Clinton on his campaign plane in 1992. Today, he brings his experience and expertise to his new podcast called, How Do We Fix It? He co-hosts the show with Jim Meigs and together they discuss solutions to problems that we hear about everyday in the news like personal finance, space exploration, parenting, and more.  Too many TV and radio shows present the issues in a way that’s too partisan, bickering or tired old rhetoric. So, How Do We Fix It? aims to find positive views, and resolutions, and serves as a repair manual for the real world. Fun fact: I actually will be a guest on the show soon, so stay tuned for that!

Takeaways from my time with Richard Davies:

  • We’re going to learn why he’s actually happy that his career in news did not transition to an on-camera correspondent role, which would have meant more money. More money isn’t always a good thing.
  • How his wife’s IRA outpaced his by tens of thousands of dollars with one very simple decision.
  • The financial problems among others that Richard aims to solve on his new show “How Do We Fix It?”
  • And, when did he know it was the right time to leave ABC? I could only imagine how difficult it is to be in a career path, at a company at ABC for decades and then decide, “You know what? I’m going to cut loose and I’m going to do this on my own.” What gave him the inspiration, how did he finally make the decision and how can we all find a similar drive, and hunger, and inspiration, and confidence really to make that move?

If you would like to learn more about Richard Davies, visit his website or follow him on Twitter @daviesnow.

One of my favorite quotes from the interview: “The thing that I feel strongly about is a sense of balance in life.” – Click to Tweet

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