So Money - Episode 496

Rachel Mansfield

Food Blogger and Social Media Consultant

I stumbled upon today’s guest on Instagram. She tagged me in a picture…Not what I was expecting to see when I saw the photo…I was tagged in a photo of a a grain-free salmon burger topped with avocado…the caption described the burger’s ingredients and then said, “Now back to binge listening to Farnoosh Torabi’s So Money® podcast. I am obsessed!”

Guys, this photo got over 5,000 likes.

Curious, I then clicked on the Instagrammer’s profile and almost fell off my chair. The photo belonged to food blogger Rachel Mansfield who has over 100,000 followers. She is a BIG deal.

From there we struck up a friendly conversation, only to learn that less than a year ago she’d been fired from her job because her employer thought her social media presence was a conflict of interest. At that time she had only a small fraction of the followers she has today….And rather than scurry to find another job she decided, at the ripe age of 26, to venture out on her own.

She turned her side-gig of food blogging into a full time job and since then, she’s worked with top brands in the health, fitness, wellness and food spaces and built an impressive online following (130K users to be exact)….earning about TRIPLE what she made at her previous job.

If that’s not So Money® I don’t know what is. She’s going to teach us everything she’s learned along the way.

If you’d like to learn more about Rachel or get some of her delicious recipes visit her website or follow her on Instagram at @rachLmansfield or Twitter @rachLmansfield.

One of my favorite quotes from the interview: “I remember the quote, “Some of the best entrepreneurship is built out of necessity,” & that’s my motivation.” – Click To Tweet

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