So Money - Episode 529

Rachel Blumenthal

Rockets of Awesome Founder

Rachel Blumenthal is the founder of Rockets of Awesome, which is this really smart company that I’ve actually engaged with. How it works is if you’re a parent or someone who wants to gift clothing to children, you can go on the website, sign up for a membership. They ask you a series of questions about your child; age, measurements, but also the taste of your kid. What kind of a kid do you have? Is he or she active? They gather all that information, all that intel and send you a personal box to your door with about 12 items for your child. It’s really functional, really affordable, and the clothing is very unique. I have to say, as someone who’s now been buying clothes for little people for the past two, three years. It gets very redundant. When you go on the playground, a lot of the kids are wearing the same things. It’s nice to find a resource, like Rockets of Awesome, that kind of does a lot of the work for you, brings the clothing to your house, catered to your family, and for very affordable price points.

Prior to starting this company, she was the CEO of Cricket’s Circle, a trusted resource and editorial engine for everything baby and toddler. Her insights from Cricket’s Circle led her to the birth of Rockets of Awesome.

Another fun fact about Rachel; she is the partner of Neil Blumenthal. Of course, if you watched Follow the Leader on CNBC, you remember Neil. He is the co-founder of Warby Parker along with Dave Gilboa. Of course, Warby Parker is, as they say in the tech world, in the entrepreneur world, a unicorn valued at over a billion dollars. They know how to run businesses and so does Rachel.

We’re going to talk about their dynamic and also more about the company, more about her financial philosophy, why she checks her credit card statement habitually, and the significance of James Taylor and Oprah Winfrey on her life. You have to listen to this story, it’s kind of insane, kind of unbelievable, but just goes to show you that life is sometimes made of magic.

If you’d like to learn more about Rachel and her company Rockets of Awesome visit or follow her on Twitter @rocketsofawesom.

One of my favorite quotes from the interview: “It’s about having confidence in who you are, not the stuff that you have.” – Click To Tweet

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