So Money - Episode 199

Philip Taylor

Author of the PT Money Blog, Founder of FinCon and CPA

Today I am interviewing the blogger Philip Taylor from PT Money. In 2007 he created his blog to share his experiences trying to get out of debt, building savings and getting educated on personal finance. Even though he had finance in his blood – his father was a CPA – already had a career as a CPA himself doing financial auditing and public accounting, he still needed to learn more about personal finance. But he quickly took control of his financial life, and turned his situation around – blogging about it all the way.

In 2011, he created FinCon, an annual conference for financial bloggers in the fall, which I have attended!

He has also written for U.S. News & World Report, TurboTax and others, as well as made a few TV appearances.

He generates his income entirely from his blog, and focuses on saving for early retirement, growing his businesses, investing in real estate and investing in his family.

Three key takeaways:

  • Starting a part-time blog in 2007 and how he was able to grow that into a full-fledged business.
  • When you feel entitled to spend…ever felt that way? Like you deserved something because you worked hard?
  • The future of FinCon…Philip actually offers some breaking news…a plan he’s never shared before.

If you would like to learn more about Philip Taylor, visit his website or follow him on Twitter @ptmoney.

One of my favorite quotes from our interview: “You gots to automate, and you gotta separate.” – Click to Tweet

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