So Money - Episode 700

Peter Shankman

Founder of HARO and Author of Faster Than Normal

This episode is probably my quickest interview yet… but it should come as no surprise, as today’s guest is the one and only Peter Shankman, author of Faster Than Normal. Indeed, this interview was fast…and anything but normal. And that’s why I think you’ll love it.

Peter, as he describes in his bio, is a “spectacular example of what happens when you merge the power of pure creativity with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and a dose of adventure, and make it work to your advantage.” 

Peter is an author, entrepreneur and corporate keynote speaker. He is famous for founding HARO, which stands for Help a Reporter Out. It is the most popular sourcing service in the English-speaking world, connecting journalists and bloggers with relevant expert sources to meet journalists’ demanding deadlines and enable brands to tell their stories.  He built and sold this fast-growing website in 2.5 years. Again, faster than normal.

Peter has some unconventional beliefs around money. For example, if you want to make more money, you have to first spend it. He offers some specific examples. Plus where to invest your money this year? It involves a four-letter word 🙂

Peter’s book is Faster Than Normal. For more visit He is on Twitter @PeterShankman.

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