So Money - Episode 187

Paula Pant

Blogger of Afford Anything

Many of you have requested my guest today to be on So Money®, so I’m very excited to finally have her here: Paula Pant of the blog and movement Afford Anything.  She is a self-proclaimed globetrotter, entrepreneur and investor.  She has traveled to 33 countries and owns seven rental properties – wow, can I come visit?  But above all, Paula is her own boss and lives on her own terms, which sounds pretty great to me.  Her belief is that money can fuel your dreams and that it’s about growing your wealth, not pinching pennies.  Her blog Afford Anything is part of a larger movement to allow people to ditch the 9-5 lifestyle and master their money to embark on their dreams.  For Paula her dream was to travel …and as a newspaper editor and reporter she found her work exhilarating but it wasn’t enough. She wasn’t pursing her dreams.  She quit her job eventually to travel the world…and from that experience was born.

Three takeaways from our interview include:

  • How she managed to save enough money to last her 3 years traveling around the world. She did this on a reporter’s income.
  • Paula’s so-called one percent rule that helps her determine whether an investment property will be worth it – and better than just putting her money in the market.
  • Her strong case for investing in index funds and passive investing.

If you would like to learn more about Paula Pant, visit her website or follow her on Twitter @PaulaPant.

One of my favorite quotes from our interview: “I don’t let money concerns stop me from living the life of my dreams.” – Click to Tweet

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