So Money - Episode 949

Paul Ollinger

Host, Crazy Money

“You go deep on who you are and every morning, I’m sitting there writing in the journal, trying to figure out how do I bring more of me to the stage? Garry Shandling in his journals, he kept it – There was this HBO special that Judd Apatow produced around the Garry Shandling’s Diaries. One of the things that Garry wrote in there over and over was, “Be more Garry. Bring more of you to the stage. The more vulnerable, the more open. The more you can tell your story, the more you’re going to succeed and stand out from everybody else trying to talk about the topic de jour.” – Paul Ollinger

Paul Ollinger is a nationally-touring stand-up comedian, Ivy League MBA and former Facebook sales leader. He performs at comedy clubs and corporate events all over North America. He is also the author of You Should Totally Get an MBA: A Comedian’s Guide to Top U.S. Business Schools.

Paul’s is the host of the podcast Crazy Money, which promotes financial wisdom and better living through no-holds-barred conversations about the role of money in our lives.

Paul and I discuss the economics of stand-up comedy, how to make money in the business, the importance of financial runway when you’re pursuing your passion and the power and controlling your content.

Learn more about Paul by visiting his website And connect with him on Twitter @Paul_Ollinger and Instagram @Paul_Ollinger.

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