So Money - Episode 448

Neelam Sethi

Parenting Expert

Today’s guest has some experience raising super successful children. Have you heard of Ramit Sethi or Nagina Sethi Abdullah? They’re siblings and both have been on So Money® as guests. I’m lucky enough to call them friends, as well. Ramit is an entrepreneur and the New York Times bestselling author of “I Will Teach You To Be Rich” and his sister Nagina is a full-time consultant and the founder of the health and fitness program Masala Body.

Believe it or not they have two additional siblings who are just as successful. So today on the show – how the heck do you raise financially successful and happy kids? Mom Neelam Sethi and her husband were featured in a New York Times article, “How to Raise a Financial Wizard.” And now Neelam, who is a retired elementary school teacher, is spilling the details with us – for the first time on a podcast.

Neelam and her husband immigrated to the US after an arranged marriage in India. They raised her four children in California and sent them all to prestigious universities on a single income without ANYONE going into debt…How? For as strict of a parent she may have been there were some financial rules, she says, were meant to be broken. And what were the money boundaries Neelam needed to set for herself as a mom and wife?

To learn more about Neelam visit her website Here, she shares her best advice to raise motivated children and you can get her “3 Strategies To Raise a Motivated Child.”

My favorite quote from the interview: “You can do anything you want as long as you know how. The secret is to just ASK.” – Click To Tweet

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