So Money - Episode 38

Mr. Money Mustache

Founder of


Without a doubt, today’s guest is going to make you smile… He is a thirty-something retiree who now writes a personal finance blog with a cultish following, goes on 2-month long vacations, and occasionally takes on cool carpentry projects to keep his creative juices flowing!

Sound too good to be true? Well, he’s the real deal. It’s Mr. Money Mustache…

I actually met him personally a couple of years ago when I flew out to interview him in his home in Colorado… He’s a down-to-earth, good-natured guy, with a great sense of humor and a healthy amount of self-confidence. And how can you not love his alias? Mr. Money Mustache… although he does go by Pete in real life.

Three takeaways from this interview:

— How Mr. Money Mustache was able to retire at age 30! And the rules behind his religion also known as mustachinism?

— The cultural forces that pressure us to spend beyond our needs.

— What drives happiness and why a lot of us have yet to figure out the whole happiness thing.

If you’d like to learn more about Mr. Money Mustache, visit his website and follow him on Twitter @mrmoneymustache.

Our favorite quote from the interview: “You’re a flawed human… figure out how to get over it.” – click to tweet

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