So Money - Episode 387

Mindy Mackenzie

CEO Adviser

Today’s guest is an accomplished corporate executive, acclaimed speaker and CEO adviser. Mindy Mackenzie has quite the resume. She served as the Chief Performance Officer of Beam, Inc., where she earned the nickname the “Velvet Hammer” during her time there. She was revered by her colleagues for telling the truth amongst the executive team while using a combination of honesty and empathy to lead her team. Before that she spent five years at Campbell Soup Co., nine years at Wal-Mart advancing through various Senior Leadership HR and Organizational Development roles. All of this has given Mindy the expertise to advise CEO’s, so she started her own company to do so, MM Enterprises, Inc. She’s helping CEO’s and C-suite level executives increase both their personal fulfillment and professional impact. She’s also out with a new book, “The Courage Solution: The Power of Truth Telling with Your Boss, Peers and Team.”

So, with Mindy we talk about truth telling at work. How do you actually tell the truth at work without being that person who’s like, “Ugh, here we go. Farnoosh opening up here mouth, telling it like it is.” Mindy also has some pretty sobering stories about growing up as a kid and what kind of financial lessons that she learned. And how those lessons ultimately helped her as an adult, and now as a mom, lead a better financial path.

If you’d like to learn more about Mindy check out her website or follow her on Twitter @Mindy_Mackenzie.

One of my favorite quotes from the interview: “At work, more truth-telling conversations occur in the hallway than in the boardroom.” – Click To Tweet

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