So Money - Episode 564

Mike Michalowicz

"Profit First" Author

Imagine selling two multi-million dollar companies, becoming an angel investor and then losing it ALL. That’s exactly what happened to serial entrepreneur and our So Money® guest today, Mike Michalowicz. Determined to figure out how to grow a healthy and strong company he started all over again which led to the “Profit First Formula,” a way for businesses to ensure profitability. Now, Mike is running his third multi-million dollar venture. He’s a former small business columnist for The Wall Street Journal and author of the new book, Profit First: Transform Your Business from a Cash Eating Monster to a Money-Making Machine.

In our conversation we discuss the WRONG way many businesses crunch their numbers. And Mike‘s simple yet profound switch that can help you generate money. Hitting financial rock bottom, having to confess it to his family..and the unforgettable move his then 9-year-old daughter made that inspired Mike to turn his finances and life around.

If you’d like to learn more about Mike visit his website or follow him on Twitter @MikeMichalowicz.

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