So Money - Episode 267

Mathew Knowles

Music Mogul and Father to Beyoncé

I’m beyond excited to introduce today’s guest. Once upon a time he was a Xerox top sales executive, worldwide turned music mogul and Grammy Award-winning executive music producer and did I mention father to the Queen B, yes Beyoncé! With over 23 years of experience in the music industry he has helped artists hit targets of success and brought them to superstardom. Remember Destiny’s Child? He managed them back in the day and helped bring his daughter Beyonce solo until their mutual split back in 2011.  Well know he’s back on the scene and out with a book entitled, “The DNA of Achievers: 10 Traits of Highly Successful Professionals.” The book is already an Amazon #1 best-seller, before it’s official release, which is coming up on October 15, 2015 so go pre-order the book today.

Three takeaways from our time together:

  1. The challenges of being in business with family. And what does he think of Beyonce’s career today?
  2. How even despite the fact that his dad made $30 a week an
  3. Managing cash flow as an artist when you’re making so much money.

For more information on Mathew Knowles visit his website or follow him on Twitter @MathewKnowles.

One of my favorite quotes from the interview: “Mistakes are a reason to grow, not a reason to quit.” – Click to Tweet

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