So Money - Episode 269

Marni Battista

Author of "Becoming Irresistible" & Founder of

Today, I’m bringing back my friend Marni Battista, a Zen Dating and Life Coach to talk about her latest book “Becoming Irresistible – How To Effortlessly Have Men Pursue You, Treat You Like A Goddess, and Commit To You For Life.”  In this book, Marni reveals the 3 key “musts” to help women transform their unconscious behaviors in order to find a quality partner.  The book shares specific tools and advice.  The book launched earlier this week on October 11th and to celebrate the launch Marni is giving it away for FREE for 10 days, so you have until the 21st to get your copy. Go to

A little background for those of you who many have missed her the first time she was on So Money®, she is the founder and CEO of, a million dollar plus company that specializes in helping her clients first fall in love with themselves by creating a life they love and then finding someone to love. I also interviewed Marni for my book When She Makes More…and on the importance of stepping into your femininity to find the mate of your dreams.

We talk about…

  1. How to feel unconditional self-worth, international satisfaction that isn’t pegged to getting a promotion or life events.
  2. The key to having dating savvy…if you’re in the dating world for the first time or second time, how to do the dance.

If you’d like to learn more about Marni Battista, visit her website or follow her on Twitter @MarniBattista.

One of my favorite quotes from our interview: “Really successful, strong women need to realize there’s a difference between self-esteem & self-worth.” – Click to Tweet

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