So Money - Episode 75

Marni Battista

Dating and Relationship Expert

— To stream the interview click here.

— To download the mp3 right click here and choose “save as”

I’m excited to welcome our first LOVE guru on the show. Her name is Marni Battista. She is the founder and CEO of, a million dollar plus company specializing in helping her clients to FIRST fall in love with themselves, create a life they love, and THEN find someone amazing to love. As a divorcee herself, Marni truly understands what it feels like to be lonely and sick of wasting time on dates that go nowhere. I actually interviewed Marni extensively for my book, When She Makes More, which arrives in paperback next month…She has some exceptional and important advice about how successful and ambitious women can attract THE ONE…when it feels like your “ambition” is a turn-off to the opposite sex.

Marni is a certified Life Coach and a Master Practitioner at administering an Energy Assessment – so called “The D-Factor” – which helps pinpoint exactly why you are or are not “date-able” and what types of messages you unconsciously broadcast based on your thoughts, feelings, actions and attitudes.

Marni has also been extensively trained as a Facilitator by the Hoffman Institute, one of the world’s foremost organizations in personal development, which, she says, changed her life!

Several takeaways from our interview:

— How one becomes a LOVE guru

— Marni’s 15 minute daily ritual which helps her stay centered and keeps her finances in check

— How Marni developed a close, committed relationship with money

— The financial coach she hired and how this person changed Marni’s attitude toward money completely.

If you’d like to learn more about Marni Battista, visit her website or follow him on Twitter @marnibattista.

My favorite quote from the interview: “It’s really important to not be afraid of your money.” – click to tweet

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