So Money - Episode 568

Lyss Stern

Divalysscious Moms Founder + CEO

This episode goes out to all of the moms out there working, staying at home, doing it all. Our guest today is Lyss Stern, she’s the founder of Divalysscious Moms. She’s out with a new book called, Motherhood is A B#tch: 10 Steps to Regaining Your Sanity, Sexiness, and Inner Diva.

Being a mom in today’s world isn’t easy, whether you’re working or not working, you’re taking time off; you’re going to go back into the workforce at some point. On top of that, you’ve got your kids, you’ve got your spouse, you’ve got your bills, you’ve got your weight. I’m dealing with a bit of a weight issue right now myself, as to be expected. It’s not like all the weight is going to go away, but I’m having a hard time getting my groove back, I’ll be honest. Lyss and her book have entered my life at a very appropriate time, and I think whether you just had a kid or you had a kid 10 years ago, her advice is very helpful and relevant. She’s a modern guide to motherhood and her book has tons of tips.

Lyss is actually hosting a panel in New York City on May 4th. I will be on this panel. If you’re in town, we would love to see you go to to grab a ticket, and the event is the Mom Mogul’s Breakfast from 9 to 11 in the morning at Lord & Taylor Department Store in New York City. Space is limited. Tickets are $75.

In the meantime, Lyss is here to help us all get our grooves back financially, weight-wise, psychologically, how to make it all work, and how to have fun at the same time.

If you’d like to learn more about Lyss visit or follow her on Twitter @DivaMoms.

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