So Money - Episode 516

Lynn Perkins

CEO and Co-Founder of UrbanSitter

Moms and dad: Imagine a world where you can find a qualified sitter for your child in 3 minutes. That’s faster than when my Uber arrives most times. Thanks to the site UrbanSitter and its co-founder Lynn Perkins, this is actually the world we live in now.

Lynn is our guest on the show today. UrbanSitter is her third start-up to date and it is a venture-backed mobile and online service that connects parents and babysitters…kind of an OpenTable for babysitters. The company has raised $23M to date and growing fast. Lynn shares:

  • The key to convincing a room full of Silicon Valley investors (mostly male) to give you money for your babysitting app?
  • How staying busy has helped her save money.
  • The going rate for babysitting nowadays. You might be inspired to make this a side gig. I did it in my 20s and it was a great source of extra income (not to mention parenting 101).

If you’d like to learn more about Lynn Perkins visit or follow @urbansitter on Twitter.

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