So Money - Episode 778

Lindsey Stanberry

Author, The Money Diaries

Have you ever read someone’s diary? Come on, you know you have…or wanted to at least.

Today, we’re talking about Money Diaries: Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about your finances and everyone else’s.

It’s a new book out by author Lindsey Stanberry, who is the Work and Money Director at Refinery29, one of my favorite websites for all things; female empowerment, career, money, lifestyle, trends.

Money Diaries started as a series on Refinery29, where Lindsey would share entries from millennial women all across the country, how they were spending every single dollar, every single cent. The book was inspired from that and it provides up close and juicy insights into how millennial women are handling their financial lives, or not handling their financial lives. We also will talk about Lindsey’s own financial journey to saving over a $100,000 to purchase her first home, how she is striking a balance between motherhood and her career.

You can learn more about the Money Diaries book by visiting and follow Lindsey Stanberry on Twitter @LeStanberry.

**Book Giveaway** I have a free copy of Money Diaries that I’d love to gift to a listener. Just follow me on Instagram here and send me a direct message to let me know you’d like to be entered to win. I’ll select a random winner by September 10.


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