So Money - Episode 706

Libby Moore

Former Chief of Staff for Oprah Winfrey

Imagine working day-to-day, side-by-side with Oprah. That was our guest’s life for 11 years. Libby Moore, Oprah Winfrey’s former Chief of Staff, joins us today.

For over 10 years, she managed a team of Oprah’s personal assistants, accompanied the talk show queen as she traveled, and managed hundreds of emails for Oprah every day. After leaving her job at HARPO, Libby decided to embark on what she called, “The Libby Moore Gypsy Tour.”  She spent 365-days adventuring and seeing where life would take her. What emerged was a fulfilling career as an executive coach and international speaker.

I had so many questions! Starting with: What was it like being interviewed by Oprah for a job? The rest, you’ll have to tune in to find out.

To learn more about Libby, please visit


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