So Money - Episode 1068

Leisa Peterson

Author, The Mindful Millionaire

Establishing a healthier mindset and management around money requires reconciling with the past, and facing any potential childhood money trauma head-on. Financial author Leisa Peterson, author of The Mindful Millionaire, opens up about her early years, depicted as “white trash” and the learnings and (un) learnings that helped her heal and grow her wealth.

Says Leisa, “Somehow I found a way to break free of thinking of myself as white trash which is how people thought of our family in our neighborhood. Some kids told me they couldn’t play with me because their parents didn’t feel like my family was safe. It went deep and was classism at its worst. I’m still breaking through the shame of what I felt when I was young.”

Lisa’s Blog:

Lisa’s Podcasts: Art of Abundance on iTunes and Mindful Millionaire

Lisa’s Book: The Mindful Millionaire (click to access book trailer) is available for pre-order on AmazonB&N and IndieBound

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