EP. 1343

Lee Bonvissuto

Founder, PresentVoices

April 13, 2022

Today we go behind the scenes of one household that shifted their careers, income streams and childcare in the pandemic … and the changes have been for the better. Lee Bonvissuto is our guest. She is an entrepreneur and Founder of Present Voices, where she helps people access and articulate their best ideas in their most important moments through communication coaching, consulting, and community. In our conversation, Lee speaks candidly about the decisions that she and her partner made in the pandemic to reorient the economics within their marriage, to have her husband step away from his career and become the primary caregiver to their daughter. How was that decision made? How did it work out? How is it continuing to work out?

Lee also shares professional advice for those that want to harness anxiety to be more effective communicators at work.

Fun fact about Lee, she was raised in the theater. Her father was a mime. She takes us to her childhood and some of the money memories that she has growing up in an artist community.

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