So Money - Episode 123

Lauren Bowling

Founder of

Today’s guest is Lauren Bowling.the founder of personal finance website, It’s an award winning blog which she began as a young professional highlighting the ups and downs of her personal finance journey. Her site has been featured on Huffington Post, Forbes,, CNN Money, Kiplinger and many others. She is also the founder of a content marketing consultancy, Beehive Content, and the host of the web series and popular internet talk show, “Awkward Money Chat,” which won the Plutus Award in October 2014.

Lauren’s personal finance journey began in college when she got her first credit card and racked up $10,000 in credit card debt in just a couple of years. After graduating with a degree in theatre, she moved to NYC to pursue her dream of acting, with only $300 in her pocket. While there she landed a “day” job on Wall Street which sparked her interest in personal finance.

Three takeaways from our interview:

— Erasing $8,400 worth of debt in just 90 days!

— Her morning ritual that keeps her finances in check.

— How her emotions got in the way of staying financially healthy at one point in her life.

If you’d like to learn more about Lauren Bowling, visit her website and follow her on Twitter @Lbeemoneytree.

My favorite quote from the interview: “I had to put my dreams on hold because I didn’t plan.” – click to tweet

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