So Money - Episode 149

Laura Vanderkam

Author of "I Know How She Does It"

What’s your take on the expression “having it all?” When feminists launched the“having it all” movement decades ago, its goal was not only to help women achieve individual freedom and fulfillment, but also to revolutionize the world. Over the generations, this expression has evolved to mean different things to different women. It’s also found itself at the center of much debate. But I think no matter what you think of the expression…as modern women and men I think we can all agree that we wish we had more time to accomplish all of the things we want to accomplish – from work to family to personal matters…24 hours just doesn’t seem to be enough TIME to get it all done. So today’s guest is going to help with some time tackling solutions. Her name is Laura Vanderkam. She is the author of the brand new book I Know How She Does It: How Successful Women Build Lives That Work. It comes out TODAY. The book is based on a time diary study of 10001 days in the lives of professional women and their families. It takes a practical approach to the question of how people combine work and family while enjoying their own sweet time, too. Laura is also the author of What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast, 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think and All the Money in the World: What the Happiest People Know About Wealth.

If you’re in the New York area this week, Laura and I will actually be joining forces this THURSDAY at the Henri Bendel store in Manhattan for an event called Secrets to Her Success. Tickets are still available. They’re $40 but you get a $40 Henri Bendel gift card, both of our books for free and some other goodies. Would love to see you in person. You can check out details of the event and learn where to buy tickets at

Three takeaways from the interview:

  • How women manage to work relatively long hours and yet still spend a lot of time with their families. Laura is an example. She has 4 kids and is a full-time author and journalist.
  • How do successful, busy women manage their money wisely?
  • And how Laura has overcome being “cheap,” as she describes it?

If you’d like to learn more about Laura Vanderkam, visit hr website at or follow her on twitter @lvanderkam.

One of my favorite quotes from the interview: “Being entrepreneurial is definitely the way to increase your income fast” – Click to Tweet

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