So Money - Episode 94

Laura Adams

Author of "Money Girl’s Smart Moves to Grow Rich"

— To stream the interview click here.

— To download the mp3 right click here and choose “save as”

Today’s guest is the “Money Girl” Laura Adams. Laura is a personal finance expert and award-winning author of multiple books, including Money Girl’s Smart Moves to Grow Rich. She’s been the host of the popular Money Girl Podcast, a top weekly show in iTunes, since 2008.

Laura is a go-to expert in the media. She’s been featured on NBC, CBS, ABC, NPR, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and so much more.

Her mission is help over 100 million students and consumers live richer lives through her podcasting, speaking, spokesperson, teaching, and advocacy work.

Three takeaways from my interview with Laura:

— Her light-bulb moment when she knew that she wanted to help people with their money

— How controlling your money can control your destiny – her financial philosophy

— How greed led her to some financial failure… a Ponzy scheme!

To learn more about Laura, visit and follow her on twitter @LauraAdams. Also, check out her podcast “Money Girl’s Quick and Dirty Tips for a Richer Life.”

My favorite quote from this interview: “Controlling your money is a huge part of controlling your destiny.” – click to tweet


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