So Money - Episode 913

Laena McCarthy and Ami Watkin

Co-Founders, The Integrated Hustle

“One of the real challenges that ambitious women face is working a lot…this idea that work has to be kind of not just efficient but it has to be across expansive amounts of hours and without really allowing for pleasure.”

Raise your hand if you’re out there trying to kill it at work and at home and everywhere else in between. It can be a lot, right?

Our two guests are the co-founders of a program called Integrated Hustle, which helps women align their personal vision with their professional ambition.

This idea of achieving balance is something that we all know is impossible. But is there a way to achieve an Integrated Hustle? Through their program, Laena and Ami give their clients the tools the emotional support and a little bit of therapy to help them navigate both the personal and the professional with flying colors.

But to get there, there are certain mindsets and certain belief systems that we just have to release. And I discovered that I’m as much on this journey as everybody else. I was learning all the way through this interview…and hope you do, too.

You can learn more about Laena and Ami on their website:

And follow them on Instagram @integratedhustle

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