So Money - Episode 939

Kelly Brogan, MD

Author, Own Your Self

“The reframing of that allows, I think people who have at one point seen themselves as a sick to now see themselves as having an untapped potential. I came up with this concept not from some like poetic sort of flourish but because I watched one patient after another after another. Go from seemingly permanently labeled as mentally ill to becoming healers and creatives and artists and really visionaries.” – Kelly Brogan

Dr. Kelly Brogan is a holistic psychiatrist who has gone through a personal, radical transformation in her career. She began, as she says, really great at prescribing medicine. She was your go-to doctor for prescription drugs but after an experience treating her own thyroid condition, she put down her prescription pad and in the nine years since, has focused on helping and treating her patients with more natural, holistic solutions.

Kelly is a friend of So Money® and joined the show when she had her first book entitled, A Mind of Your Own which is about depression and how women can heal their bodies to reclaim their lives. She’s back now with a second book called Own Yourself where Kelly discusses how people can become free from depression, anxiety and fatigue and finally tap into their real selves…which then allows them to show up in all ways in their lives, in their careers, in their relationships.

Learn more about Kelly on her website and connect with her on 

Youtube @KellyBroganMD, Instagram @KellyBroganMD, and Twitter @KellyBroganMD

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