So Money - Episode 401

Julia Shapiro

CEO & Co-Founder of Hire an Esquire

It’s Startup Week on So Money®. We’re going to talk to some amazing entrepreneurs that are in the startup phase of their businesses. This themed week was really inspired by my show Follow the Leader, where I’ve been spending time with billionaires and mega-entrepreneurs as they make tough decisions behind the scenes, how they execute strategy and run their businesses. So, I thought, wouldn’t it be kind of interesting to look at some startups, some younger entrepreneurs, fledgling entrepreneurs as they’re in the first year, two or three, of their business.

Today’s guest is Julia Shapiro. She’s the CEO and co-founder of Hire an Esquire. It’s an on-demand attorney workforce platform that helps attorney’s connect with law firms and corporate legal departments to build a freelance career and alternative career path. It’s been called the “Uber” for attorney’s. The company is backed by a variety of investors, which is why I wanted to have her on the show for startup week. Her clients include Fortune 500 legal departments and AMLaw 200 firms. This past fall, Julia was named one of the Top 150 Professionals under 35 and top 10 Innovators in the Legal Industry by LinkedIn’s Next Wave 2015.

In my conversation with Julia we learn, how do you find investors for your business? Julia shares how she was able to attract investors. And answers the question I have which is, what happens in that boardroom? What do you say to convince those rich people to give you their money? She also spills on some of the astonishing things that she has encountered as a female in Silicon Valley as she’s tried to go and build her business. And the Eureka behind Hire An Esquire, why exactly did she want to start the business?

If you’d like to learn more about Julia, visit her website or follow her on Twitter @HireAnEsquire.

One of my favorite quotes from the interview: “If you’re not messing up at all, it means you’re not trying hard enough or trying enough new things” – Click To Tweet

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