So Money - Episode 316

Jordan Harbinger

Founder of The Art of Charm

Today’s guest you probably know him by his voice. He is the co-founder of The Art of Charm podcast, Jordan Harbinger. Once upon a time he was a Wall Street attorney and now he helps people with their communication skills and interpersonal dynamics. The movement started as a hobby with his The Art of Charm podcast 9 years ago – that was before podcasting was even really a thing. Now he gets about 2 million downloads on the show a month, runs a coaching academy and speaks at events across the country.

Jordan gives a really candid interview. He shares the time his friends who were business partners at the time were stealing from him, why he is NOT paying off his student loans right away even though he could, and what he’d do if he had to start over from zero.

If you’d like to learn more about Jordan Harbinger, visit his website or follow him on Twitter @TheArtofCharm.

One of my favorite quotes from the interview: “You don’t have to have a job to make money.” – Click to Tweet

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