So Money - Episode 341

Jim Wang

Founder of &

Our guest today is a pioneer financial blogger, one of the first to sell his blog for 7 figures. Jim Wang founded It was a side hobby that eventually brought in a full time income — and then less than 5 years later he sold the site for $3 million. PS. He says he started the blog because he was bored!

Today Jim has a new online venture, a website called, launched last fall. It’s pretty spectacular in its vision and delivery. Articles, tools and tips on building money systems, how to live fully, save, spend wisely and pay down debt.

Jim’s been featured in the New York Times, Baltimore Sun, Entrepreneur and Marketplace Money. And now, excited to say, on this podcast.

He also created a special link for So Money® listeners offering an exclusive contest and some great materials so check it out by visiting

Three takeaways from our time together…

  1. His growth strategy for Wallethacks and how it will differ from how he built his first successful blog.
  2. Growing up with immigrant parents. What financial lessons did he learn as a child?
  3. How to master your money even if you’re forgetful like Jim!

If you’d like to learn more about Jim Wang check out his website or follow him on Twitter @Wangarific.

One of my favorite quotes from the interview: “You should always track everything you’re doing & then always look to improve your processes whenever you can.” – Click to Tweet

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