So Money - Episode 117

Jen Hemphill

Money Coach & Entrepreneur

I’m excited to welcome today’s guest. She’s relatable, down-to-earth and practical. For years, she felt frustrated and stuck in her day job, working endless hours to just pay all her bills… with little left over. And when she did do something fun, she felt extremely guilty. Sound familiar?! Well, you can turn it around… just like she did. Her name is Jen Hemphill.

Today Jen is a money coach, personal finance mentor and online entrepreneur. She’s passionate about helping women simplify their finances, improve their relationship with money and master financial skills so they can focus on the things they truly enjoy… whatever that might be. She teaches, speaks and writes about leading a fulfilling life without letting money get in the way on her website When she’s not talking about money, she enjoys photography, coffee, chocolate, and spending time with her husband and two sons.

Three takeaways from our interview:

— How to know when you are ready to work with a money coach

— Why so many of us feel guilt when we spend and how to turn it around

— Managing money in a military family

If you’d like to learn more about Jen Hemphill, visit her website and follow her on Twitter @jenhemphilll.

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