So Money - Episode 110

Jeffrey Zurofsky

Restaurateur & CEO of 'wichcraft

— To stream the interview click here.

— To download the mp3 right click here and choose “save as”

If you’re a foodie like me and love to go to restaurants not just for the great food but also for the overall experience, today’s guest is not going to disappoint. Jeffrey Zurofsky is an incredibly talented chef and a successful restaurateur who broke into the New York City restaurant scene after graduating from college (completely debt-free, by the way!). He is the co-founder and the CEO of the gourmet sandwich chain ‘wichcraft.He also cohosts the new Bravo television series Best New Restaurant where he helps new restaurateurs learn how to navigate the realities of their businesses under pressure.

Three takeaways from our interview:

— Secrets to saving money when dining out.

— The biggest mistake all start up restaurant owners make.

— How he recovered from his biggest financial mistake.

If you’d like to learn more about Jeffrey Zurofsky, visit his website and follow him on Twitter @jeffreyzurofsky.

My favorite quote from the interview:  “Show up at your farmer’s market, it’s the greatest thing on earth.” – click to tweet

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