So Money - Episode 86

Jeff Kreisler

Award-winning comedian

— To stream the interview click here.

— To download the mp3 right click here and choose “save as”

Today’s guest is the award-winning comedian, Jeff Kreisler. He is a triple threat! A writer, performer and producer with impressive Ivy League credentials… who believes that the world can be saved with more thinking, passion, and aggressive naps!

I actually had the opportunity to cross paths with him at His work, including his bestselling satire “Get Rich Cheating,” has been praised by mainstream media including The New York Times, Chicago Tribune, CNBC, and San Francisco Chronicle, among others. Jeff is a sought-after corporate speaker and was the featured comedian at The 2011 Economist’s World Conference, alongside former President Bill Clinton. He is a graduate of Princeton and Virginia Law School, a former attorney and private investigator.

Several takeaways from our interview:

— Why Jeff turned down 6-figure job opportunities that could have put him on a partner track at leading law firms

— Why he doesn’t like to use automatic bill pay

— The best thing that his parents gave him (hint: it’s not his allowance or first car!)

If you’d like to learn more about Jeff Kreisler, visit his website or follow him on Twitter @jeffkreisler. Also, check out his book Get Rich Cheating: The Crooked Path to Easy Street.

My favorite quote from the interview: I wanted to be Thurgood Marshall or Thomas Jefferson but those jobs were taken! – click to tweet

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