EP. 402

Jason Grad

Founder and CEO of Bstow App

April 19, 2016

Welcome back to startup week. Today’s guest is the founder and CEO of Bstow, a forthcoming app that will be launching soon. It rounds up your spare change and shares it with a charity of your choice. Jason Grad is a technology specialist based out of New York City who has a proven track record for high growth in both sales and marketing. After graduating from Vanderbilt University, Jason began his career as an IT Manager and Director of Online Sales at Eveready Hardware before joining Yelp as an Elite Account Executive. While at Yelp he was in the 1% of out 1,500 executives in total sales. In six months he was able to generate over half a million in new business. In June 2015, Jason left Yelp to pursue his entrepreneurial dream and start Bstow. Jason enjoys giving back to the community and volunteers at events and mentors at both Startup Institute and Venture for America.

Right now, Jason is in Tel Aviv, where he was accepted into the prestigious Barclay’s accelerator powered by TechStars. So, he is sort of incubating this idea and app. I was curious so why Tel Aviv, what is this accelerator? How can other aspiring entrepreneurs take advantage of an accelerator and then, how did he actually make the jump from employee to entrepreneur? How did he do that in a financially feasible way? How much money did he have shored up in order to make that leap with some confidence?

If you’d like to learn more about Jason and Bstow, check out his website www.bstowapp.com or follow him on Twitter @MrJasonGrad.

One of my favorite quotes from the interview: “From a young age, I was taught to understand value and responsibility for
my actions.” – Click To Tweet

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