So Money - Episode 193

James Altucher

Author of "Choose Yourself Guide to Wealth"

Today’s guest, his name might sound familiar and that’s because he’s been on the show before. He’s also kinda famous, if you…surf the Internet! I’m very fortunate to say that my friend and author, James Altucher, is back. He was my second guest on So Money®, following Tony Robbins, and James and I worked together at We did a lot of videos together about investing and stocks, the economy. He at one point tried to save my life, and we talk a little bit about that story in the beginning of this interview. He also talks about it in the original interview. It’s something that merits a lot of discussion. And so if that’s not a tease, I don’t know what is!

But more importantly, today we’ve got him on the show because he has a brand new book out called Choose Yourself Guide to Wealth. It’s a guide to navigating the new financial world that we’re all living in, how to generate wealth, and how to earn your own freedom. And in true James Altucher style, this interview goes a little all over the place. I naturally had my own list of questions that I wanted to ask him, but that didn’t really happen. We sort of went all over the place, but I think in the end, got an even more quality interview.

Three takeaways from my convo with the marvelous James:

  • The SECRET To getting what you want – a new job, more money, a successful business or all of the above.
  • Why 401ks are no good. And how we’re all going about retirement wrong. (I took issue with this!)
  • How to write the perfect email to someone you admire – and get them to not only respond, but help you in return.

If you would like to learn more about James Altucher, visit his websites or, or follow him on Twitter @jaltucher.

One of my favorite quotes from our interview: “The most important investments young people need to make right now is in themselves.” – Click to Tweet

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