So Money - Episode 67

Jaime Tardy

Business Coach and Author of The Eventual Millionaire


For most of us, including yours truly, having strict deadlines can be very helpful in achieving our goals… And for today’s guest, Jaime Tardy, a 9-month deadline put her quickly into action to become financially free. She became pregnant and had a limited amount of time to pull her financial life together before welcoming her new baby. And she did it! At the same time she managed to quit her 6-figure full-time job with an expense account with confidence! Today Jaime owns her own business and has transformed her lifestyle of working 24/7 to just 30 hours a week…

Jaime also writes about her experience in her new book The Eventual Millionaire.  In it she also chronicles what she’s learned from over 120 millionaires interviewed on her podcast with the same title The Eventual Millionaire. They discuss the tricks that worked in building their business (and what they wish they had done differently!). In addition to being an author and a blogger, she is also a successful business coach working with entrepreneurs who want to transform their business and personal lives while building their net worth.

Three takeaways from our interview:

— What Jaime thinks about the education system in the US and why she chose an entrepreneurial school for her kids

— How she managed to pull her financial life together in less than a year

— The benefit of creating her own board of advisors… and how we can do the same, too!

If you’d like to learn more about Jaime, visit her website or follow her on Twitter @eventualmillion. Also, check out her podcast and read her book The Eventual Millionaire which you can find on Amazon and on the website

My favorite quote from the interview: “It’s not about perfection but it’s about making the best choices.” – click to tweet

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