So Money - Episode 17

Jacki Zehner

First Female Trader Made Partner at Goldman Sachs

I’m a huge admirer of today’s guest. Her name is Jacki Zehner and she’s a trailblazer and champion for women’s advancement and leadership. It started at Goldman Sachs, where in 1996 she became the youngest woman and first female trader to be made partner. She currently serves as the Chief Engagement Officer for Women Moving Millions, a non-profit organization whose mission is to mobilize unprecedented resources for girls and women. This global network has given over $500 million to hundreds of different organizations and causes. She is a writer, speaker and consultant.

Big takeaways from this interview:

  • What Jacki credits for her rise on Wall Street as a young, female trader back in the 1990s.
  • Her views of Wall Street today.
  • The female-run start ups she’s investing her own money in and why.

Learn more about Jacki at and follow her on Twitter @jackizehner.

Our favorite quote from the interview: “It’s really important to make a commitment to yourself in an economy that is changing so quickly” – Click to tweet.

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