So Money - Episode 43

J. Money

Financial Blogger

I’m very excited to introduce today’s guest. He is one of the most influential financial bloggers of our time and the founder of 2 personal finance websites and He also coaches people interested in blogging and launching an online business. His name is J. Money.

Like many of us, J. struggled with money and made some poor choices early on. So what did he do? He decided to blog about. In 2008 he started his personal finance blog,, to track his spending and keep himself accountable. And that worked! Since then, he’s built his net worth to over half a million dollars… by doing what he loves!

Three takeaways from our interview:

— Why home ownership is not for everyone

— How Craigslist helps J. develop better money habits…and MAKE money WEEKLY.

— Awesome tips on reducing your phone bill …and I just got mine and due to data overages, my bill was an extra $100 this month. I’m seriously considering switching plans. This is absurd.

If you’d like to learn more about J. Money, head over to and… and of course, follow him on Twitter @BudgetsareSexy.

Our favorite quote from today’s interview: “I’m challenging myself every week to get rid of more stuff.” – click to tweet

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