So Money - Episode 227

J. Massey

Real Estate Investor and Author

Today I’m sharing a real rags to riches story. Several years ago my guest J. Massey encountered a series of life-altering events – his pregnant wife had a serious illness, he was in an accident that left him with a punctured lung that prevented him from being able to work, and their family home was foreclosed upon. J. quickly realized that he needed to make changes to be able to survive. So he immersed himself into intensive real estate investor training.

He has since become a very, very successful real estate investor and has amassed an impressive portfolio of over 300 units of residential and commercial properties as well as private notes and mortgages.

Today, in addition to his extensive real estate work, J. runs a training series that is available for others to learn how to turn their financial lives around, gives speeches and has authored the book Cash Flow Diary: 10 Steps to Creating Wealth in Any Economy.

Three key takeaways:

  • How to make money in real estate without ever needing to work with a bank.
  • Why when you think you have a money problem…what you really have is an idea problem.
  • And what he would do with a $100 million might surprise you…It involves Black Friday.

If you would like to learn more about J. Massey, visit his website or follow him on Twitter @MrJMassey.

One of my favorite quotes from our conversation: “Give more in use value than you take in cash value.” – Click to Tweet

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