So Money - Episode 514

Best of 2016: Investment Advice

So Money® Year End Wrap

It’s our last installment of our 2016 highlights. This has been really fun, going back and listening to some of the top interviews of the past year. Today, we’re going to end with the theme of investing. We’ve talked a lot about this on the show. Our motto here is, “boring is better.” Don’t try to game the system or beat the market. It’s better to just focus on the investments that are going to yield a positive return over the long run and won’t cost you a lot to invest along the way. Low fees are really the key.

Many of you write in to Ask Farnoosh about investing, how to do it and just even where to get started. It’s a topic that a lot of our guests, when I ask the question, “What’s one thing you wish you knew about money growing up?”, say they wish they knew more about investing. I’ve had guests on the show this year try to break it down for us in a way that’s digestible and easy to understand.

In our look back we’ll hear from:

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