So Money - Episode 463

Hilary Hendershott

Host of Profit Boss Radio Podcast

Today’s guest is a a fellow podcaster. Hilary Hendershott host of the Profit Boss Radio Podcast is joining us today. The weekly podcast is a fantastic resource for women who want to create success in their financial lives.

Hilary‘s also a Certified Financial Planner and the founder of Hilary Hendershott Wealth Management, which is a leading financial advisory firm for women. She’s also given a TEDx talk and was recognized as a Top 40 Under 40 Entrepreneur in Silicon Valley. Hilary is known as “The Investor’s Voice of Reason” and regularly contributes to the NBC evening news in Silicon Valley.

But before Hilary was so successful, she was tens of thousands of dollars in credit card debt and behind on her mortgage. Hear about the wake-up call that saved her and helped her climb out of the hole. Some of us may be familiar with having a fear of scarcity. Hilary can relate to that and she talks about the implications that has had on her financial life.

If you’d like to learn more about Hilary visit her website or follow her on Twitter @HilaryTheCFP.

I also appeared on Hilary’s podcast last week and you can check out the full interview here.

My favorite quote from the interview: “Create your personal finance ecosystem as a machine that makes decisions FOR you.” – Click To Tweet

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