EP. 1756

Goli Kalkhoran

Host, Lessons From a Quitter

December 2, 2024

A new study reveals that more people want to quit their jobs now than during the Great Resignation. Whether it’s to find better-paying work to address the rising cost of living, or to leave their company or industry and start fresh on a professional path they actually enjoy, the big question remains: Will they quit?

Our guest today is helping people overcome that hurdle.

Goli Kalkhoran is a Master-Certified Life Coach and former attorney who helps unfulfilled professionals create a career (and life) they genuinely enjoy. She hosts the Lessons from a Quitter podcast, where she de-stigmatizes quitting and offers resources and inspiration for individuals looking to pivot in their established careers.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Why our culture is so afraid of quitting
  • How to afford quitting — both financially and energetically
  • Goli’s own journey of quitting her law career and the many pivots that followed.

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